People from all lifestyles and backgrounds are now rushing to depart from Libya and surrounding areas.  In the wake of war declared on Libya and leader Muammar Gaddafi. The media took full swing at Gaddafi and his regime presenting information to the general public oft-times without citing a source or caring enough to provide a historical context for many claims. Western media has always been used as a tool to demonize those with whom the power structure has a problem with and notwithstanding this is clearly the case today.  Long before this conflict ever arose, Muammar Gaddafi had a strong backing from many in his own country and elsewhere, this is not reported in the media. They would have you believe that any, everyone in Libya was a part of some anti-Gaddafi force, and that only those who are within his immediate circle are for him. This is a farce. The media obviously has its objective given that you never hear from the opposing side or any of the pro Gaddafi supporters. The same is in the case of Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz. The National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense became the target of another media onslaught in what the media spin-doctors call an “N-word Rant” launched against President Barrack Obama.  The Media has done and effective job in creating a picture  of the “ tyrannical madman” Gaddafi but failing to produce the same picture  of regimes here on U.S. soil who have attacked or abused people right here in American Muammar Gaddafi took over Libya when Libya was the poorest country in the world as of 1951, raising it to one of the highest standards of living in Africa. Most all Libyans have basic needs and necessities.  Compare that to the capitalism and high interest paid for rent and housing in America. Libyans who are interested in agriculture and wants to cultivate the land is given free land to build along with tools, a home, cattle and starting seeds. Can the black farmers of America say half of that?
Being crippled with economic sanctions Libya has struggled to maintain its economy. Facing both colonialism and Neo Colonialism.  The advances of U.S. Imperialistic forces are much greater than a flimsy story of a man allegedly killing his own people.  This is a story about a LAND GRAB.
Muammar Gaddafi recently pushed for one united Africa including armies, currency, trade and all contributing extensive amount of time, energy and finance to see the vision of a united Africa. In this context we can see now what the Obama administration’s aims and objectives is towards the “dismantling” of Muammar Gaddafi and the Libyan revolution.

The young people in Libya are normally well dressed, well fed and well-educated. Libyans earning wage is higher than many European nations. The normal policy is that every Libyan citizen gets free education, medical and health service. New colleges and hospitals and hospitals are above standard.

Natural citizens of Libya have a decent house or apartment to live in rent-free.

This fight is one that is based on a United Africa and those who counter that objective with visions of advancing the agenda of Europe and her allies.

Gaddafi is credited with saying on different occasions “the Black Africans were the true owners of Libya long before the Arab” even saying in his Green Book, “the Black race shall prevail throughout the world.” The Pale Arab fights for domination against the darker Arab as the white Arab fights against the Dark African.

Why criminalize Gaddafi? What about Mubarak who closed the border allowing the documented murder of the Palestinian people? What about those in the U.S. regime who have murdered millions of innocent people including children in the name of democracy overseas?

The Honorable Kwame Toure and Nelson Mandela both praised Gaddafi as a very important African leader and Gaddafi is credited with helping to destroy the system of Apartheid in Africa.

Within this framework, we can understand where the disappointment and dissatisfaction of Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz comes from.  Dr. Shabazz called the attack savage, barbarian demonic and wicked expressing his pain from the bombs being dropped on innocent life in the name of capitalism and domination of Africa. Dr. Shabazz further goes into the historical basis for his statements against the white man saying, “We have a common Enemy the white man and the Whiteman’s system, way of doing things, ways of operating, Planes, bombs, colonialism, imperialism, Zionism, missiles, aircrafts, prisons systems, decadent criminal injustice system and politics.  He added, “That’s what we mean when we say the Whiteman” LOOK at what is attacking Libya and the darker nations of Africa today it is everything the National Chairman pointed out.  When addressing Obama he did not “turn on him” as some detractors would have you to think, Dr. Shabazz and the New Black Panther Party made a critical assessment of promises of change and a transparent government and have held Mr. Obama and his regime to the fire. Dr. Shabazz states, “He Has our people and other neo colonial Negros working for him around the world in Africa doing the work of the European and the white man is still the white man” He further states, “He (Obama) represents the ideology of the white man, the policy of the white man, the C.I.A setup sabotage, lie on an African leader-bomb that man like he’s George Bush-he represents the white man.

Giving this a natural spiritual tone, he tells Obama you should have listen to Minister Farrakhan when you were at his table, but you want to follow the white man.

Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz warned President Obama “ The White man will turn on you” saying, “it’s unconstitutional and you didn’t go before congress.” like it or NOT the plain truth is the American public has been manipulated into thinking that the only ones who are destructive towards their own people are overseas and not on American soil but anytime you promise a campaign of change from the old guard and maintain remnants of earlier regimes an polices then in the spirit of Kwame Toure’, Kwame Nkrumah and the bloodless revolution of Libya. Our duty is to build a Black united front that will be the basis of a new nation of our own.

We thank God for the strength of the New Black Panther Party and its National Chairman Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz.  


New Black Panther Party Questions and Answers

1.What are the goals of the New Black Panther Party?

The Ultimate goal of the New Black Panther Party is to gain full and complete freedom for the masses of Black People. Blacks in America have a unique experience unlike any other in comparison. We have been robbed of our original names, languages, cultures and religions. We are racially profiled and last in virtually any statistical data. We desire a Nation of our own in which we are void of oppressive conditions or having to beg a power structure for basic rights.

2. How long has our organization been in existence?

The New Black Panther Party is celebrating 20 years of existence.  The Work of our party began in 1989 after the assassination of Black Panther Party Minister of Defense Huey P. Newton.  We are now under the leadership of Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz.

3. How did the New Black Panther Party Begin?

Our foundation is in Dallas, Texas.  The founder of our organization Aaron Michaels along with a few others found it necessary to move on the influx of drugs and violence within the black community.

They organized street patrols and began political education classes designed to enrich the people with the ideas of “self-determination” and “doing something for self”

4. How many members belong to the New Black Panther Party?

There is an old saying that “those who know won’t tell and those who tell won’t know. That question is more of a military question to which I would not give direct figures too.  It’s safe to say that the membership is in the thousands. We are in over 60 cities in America. We have chapters in Africa, Canada, France and we are ever growing every day.  The Panther Is the people wherever the oppressed are you will find the Panther.

5. How successful has the New Black Panther Party been in fulfilling its goals?

The New Black Panther Party operates off of a ten point program nationally and nine local objectives per city. We have a lot of work on our plates.  We have been successful in establishing mentorship programs in many cities where our chapters exist. We continue to work under the staples of the original Black Panther Party i.e. food drives, clothing drives, political education classes, rallies, and the New Black Panther News paper. We have obtained justice in many cases of hate crime around the country. We have battled for Megan Williams in West, Virginia and for justice in the NYPD’s murder of Sean Bell.

We Organized to defend  the life of Anthony Hill in Newberry, South Carolina. I would say that we are doing a good job and you can look for us to improve our organizational efforts in the months to come.

6.        What types of activities do you have to promote your cause?

The New Black Panther Party is involved in political campaigns; speak outs, newspaper production, TV. promotion and radio interviews.  The New Black Panther Party has a worldwide radio broadcast that airs three nights a week. Political Education classes and community rallies also help the cause.

7.   Have any major social changes occurred as a result of our organizations efforts?  

We judge the “major social change” by the activity of the community in the particular city where we have chapters. Crime infested cities such as Newark, New jersey now  have a anti-violence coalition that has helped to rid the streets of drugs and gang violence. Our Hate crimes campaign has forced certain acts of violence and hate to be addressed and placed on the books as actual hate crimes and crimes of aggression resulting in resolution.  Our youth marches have ignited a passion in the new generation for justice and awareness.  Mentorship has produced hard working men and women who have stopped the cycles of jail and violence. Our Relationship classes have resulted in a decrease in domestic violence and the mistreatment of both men and women.  There are major changes wherever we are as an active organization. The best testimony comes from the people whose lives we have touched.

8. What are the Future Plans of the New Black Panther Party?

In the future we plan to be a quicker and sharper organization. We plan to dig deeper into the works of our National Chairman Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz as taught by his teacher the Honorable Khallid Abdul Muhammad. We plan for growth. We are a young growing organization and our aim is to be right down to the modern times in everything we do.  We will stand the Blackman and Woman up and help our people pick themselves up out of the mud of slavery. The New Black Panther Party will work towards buying land and resources so that we may be able in the spirit of Marcus Garvey to do for self.




Poetry by Dr. Tolbert Small

The Spirit of the Panther



Today, the Panther sleeps;


But one day, the spirit of the Panther

Will rise again.




The spirit of the Panther will rise


When there are no homeless on our streets,

When healthcare becomes a right not a privilege,

When quality education is available for all.




The spirit of the Panther will rise


When we spend more money on education than on prisons,

When police truly serve and protect,

When our children will no longer die in wars fought for oil and greed.




The spirit of the Panther will rise


When no child wakes up or falls asleep with hungry pains,

When children no longer kill children in our mean streets,

When our society creates the new man.




The spirit of the Panther will rise


When race, color, and sex no longer matters,

When corporations no longer serve as puppet masters,

When our government becomes of the people, by the people,

And for the people.




For now the Panther sleeps,


But she will not sleep forever.



One day she will arise from the grave


To walk these mean streets.















History of the Black Liberation Army

The history of our national liberation struggle is one of the most important factors upon which the political party(s), the oppressed masses, and the liberation armed forces may understand the nature of their oppression and the task before them towards independence and freedom.

In this article, I would like to present to the masses the general history of the evolvement of the Black Liberation Army. This will be a brief historical overview not providing specific historical data in order to protect people who are either functioning in the BLA, or in other areas no longer associated with the BLA. The Black Liberation Army is a politico military organization, whose primary objective is to fight for the independence and self- determination of Afrikan people in the United States. The political determination of the BLA evolved out of the now defunct Black Panther Party.

It was in October, 1966, with the advent of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, that the question of armed struggle band resistance to racist oppression emerge as a plausible strategical maneuver in the developing liberation movement. It was in late 1968, early 1969, that the forming of a Black underground first began. From Los Angeles, California, to Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, armed units were formed in rural areas, trained and caches were established. In Oakland, San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, Ohio, and New York, Black Panther Party offices were established to formulate a political relationship with the oppressed Black masses in these and other communities across the country.

From 1969 to 1972, the BPP came under vicious attack by the State and Federal government. The government employed COINTELPRO (FBI, CIA and local police departments) as the means to destroy the above-ground political apparatus that fielded the Black underground. But it wasn’t until 1970 that the BPP began its purge of many of its most trusted and militant members, many of which eventually joined the Black underground.

By 1971, contradictions perpetuated by COINTELPRO forces in the leadership of the BPP caused the split between Newton and Cleaver, which eventually split the entire Black Panther Party into two major factions. It was this BPP split and factionalism that determined the fielding of the Black underground would begin to serve its primary purpose (along with conditions presented by the State armed offensive to liquidate the Party). his is not to say that armed action against the State did not occur by the Black underground prior to the split, on the contrary, by 1971, the Black underground was becoming rich in experience in the tactics of armed expropriations, sabotage, and ambush assaults. It needs to be said that prior to the split, the Black underground was the official armed wing of the aboveground political apparatus, and thereby had to maintain restraint in its military activity. This was very well for the Black underground but although in many areas experienced in tactical military guerilla warfare, it was still infantile politically, and although becoming organizationally wielded as a fighting apparatus, it did not establish an infra-structure completely autonomous from the aboveground BPP cadres and Party chapters. This in turn became one of the major detriments of the Black underground after the split of the Black Panther Party.

Based upon the split and factionalism in the BPP, and heightened repression by the State, the Black underground was ordered to begin establishing the capacity to take the “defensive- offensive” in developing urban guerilla warfare. Hence, in 1971, the name BLACK LIBERATION ARMY (of Afro American Liberation Army) surfaced as the nucleus of Black guerilla fighters across the United States. This is not to say that the name Black Liberation Army was first used in 1971, for in late 1968, during a student strike and demonstration in Mexico City, many students and demonstrators were killed by Mexican police. One of those students was reported to have had a piece of paper in his pocket upon which was written the name Black Liberation Army. Whether or not there was a connection to the fielding of the Black underground with the uprising in Mexico in 1968 is unknown.

Since the split in the BPP and the call of the “defensive- offensive” commenced, the Black underground which in May of 1971 bore the name Black Liberation Army, had committed many armed attacks against the State as part of the BPP (and after the split) many of which are unrecorded. Here I would like to present the Justice Department-LEAA Task Force report on BLA activity (it should be noted these reports were recorded by the State according to when they captured, killed, or in some ways received information concerning BLA activity, and therefore one sided and by no means indicated all BLA activity in the last ten years).
 Listing of Justice Department Report on
BLA Activity from January, 1970 – January, 1976

             October 22. San Francisco, Calif. – An antipersonnel time bomb explodes outside a
     church, showering steel shrapnel on mourners of a patrolman slain in a bank holdup; no
     one is injured. The BLA is suspected.

             January 13. Hunters Point, Calif. – A police officer is shot by BLA member.

     January 19. San Francisco, Calif. – Two police officers are wounded by BLA members.

     March 30. San Francisco, Calif. – There is a BLA attempt to bomb a police station.

     April 19. New York City – Two black men lure patrolman Curry and Binetti by driving
     the wrong way and ignoring a traffic light; when apprehended the driver drops down and
     the passenger fires a machine gun at the doors and windows of the patrol car; the Black
     Liberation Army is suspected.

     May 19. Harlem, New York City – Patrolman Piagentini and Waverly Jones are killed in
     an ambush by alleged members of the BLA.

     June 5. New York City – Four men associated with the Black Liberation Army attempted
     to hold-up a night club called the Triple O. One cab driver is killed.

     June 18. New York City – BLA members rob a bank for funds.

     August – Twenty BLA members leave New York City and rent a farmhouse in
     Fayetteville, GA., where they conduct a guerilla warfare school for one month, during
     which they hold-up a bank and kill an Atlanta policeman.

     August 23. Queens, New York – The Bankers Trust Company is robbed; Black
     Liberation Army members are identified as participants.

     August 28. San Francisco, Calif. – Two BLA members attempt to machine gun a San
     Francisco police department patrol car, after an exchange of gun fire, they are
     apprehended. The service revolver of a slain New York City patrolman, Waverly Jones,
     is found in their possession.

     August 29. San Francisco, Calif. – A police sergeant is killed at his desk when two black
     men fire repeated blasts into the Ingelside police station; the BLA is suspected.

     October 7. Atlanta, GA – The Peters Street branch of Fulton National Bank is robbed,
     reportedly by the Black Liberation Army.

     November 3. Atlanta, GA – Officer James Richard Greene is shot in a paddy wagon; the
     scene of the shooting is 3 miles from a residence used by the Black Liberation Army, this
     organization believed responsible for the shooting.

     December 12. Atlanta, GA – Three reported Black Liberation Army members and two
     other prisoners escape from the DeKalb County jail.

     December 21. Atlanta, GA – New York City – Two police notice suspicious car near
     Bankers Trust Company in Queens; when they approach the car, it speeds away, after
     individuals in the car roll a grenade towards the police car; the grenade explodes, causing
     considerable damage towards the police car, and injuring the policemen; two suspects are
     identified as Black Liberation Army members.

     December 31. Brooklyn, NY – BLA members engage in a shoot- out with a rival group in
     the offices of Youth in Action.

     December 31. Odessa, Fla. – BLA member is killed in a shoot out with FBI.


January 12. Houston, Texas – Members of the BLA are charged June 6 for shooting and wounding of
the off duty Housing Police detectives.

January 19. Philadelphia, PA. – Two BLA members are arrested with two suitcases containing guns.

January 27. New York City – In the morning two patrolmen notice a car going through two red lights;
when they approach to ask for a driver’s license, the driver starts shooting; one patrolman is seriously
wounded … In the evening, two policemen, Gregory Foster and Rocco Laurie, shot in the back by at
least three persons; four suspects in the case are members of the Black Liberation Army; one suspect
is later killed in a street battle with St. Louis police; the recovered pistol matches Laurie’s.

February 16. St. Louis, Mo. – A Black Liberation Army member, tied to shooting of Foster and Laurie,
is killed in a gun battle with police; two others are arrested.

May 10. Columbia, S.C. – Four BLA members arrested with guns.

August 8. Newark, NJ – BLA member who escaped after shooting sergeant and patrolmen on April
19, 1971, is captured.

September 9. Brooklyn, NY – Three BLA members, including one who escaped from DeKalb County,
Ga. jail are arrested.

October 7. Los Angeles, Calif. – Police car bombing claimed by Afro American Liberation Army.

December 28. Brooklyn, NY – An owner of a bar is kidnapped by the BLA and held for $20,000


January 2. Brooklyn, NY – During the robbery of a social club, BLA members shoot and kill a victim.

January 10. Brooklyn, NY – After being confronted on a subway station by a patrolman, a BLA
member fires a shot and escapes into the tunnel.

January 12. Brooklyn, NY – Two Housing detectives are shot in front of a bar after stopping two BLA

January 23. Brooklyn, NY – Two wanted BLA members are shot and killed by members of New York
City police department after they are trapped in a bar. Two detectives are wounded.

January 25. Brooklyn, NY – Two patrolmen brothers assigned to same car are machine gunned by the

January 28. Queens, NY – Two patrolmen on patrol are machine gunned by BLA members, who

February 9. Bronx, NY – Members of the Black Liberation Army robbed a bank.

February 23. Brooklyn, NY – Two BLA members are arrested with a carload of explosives.

March 2. Brooklyn, NY – A group of BLA members, stopped by officers looking for a robbery
suspect, engage the officers in a gun battle.

March 6. Bronx, NY – Three BLA members are recognized by two detectives, and engage them in a
gun battle. BLA members are joined by two more and escape by stealing a car and machine gunning a
police radio car.

March 27. Brooklyn, NY – BLA members rob a supermarket.

April 10. Queens, NY – BLA members rob a bank.

April 12. Brooklyn, NY – Two telephone company men are held at gunpoint by the BLA when they are
suspected of being police. They are told that they would be killed if they have guns, radio or shields.

May 2. New Jersey Turnpike – Members of the BLA are arrested after a shoot out; one State
patrolman is killed, one is wounded; one BLA member dies, the driver; one escapes, but is
subsequently captured in East Brunswick, NJ.

May 19. Mount Vernon, NY – Two policemen are shot when they stop three BLA members pulling a

June 5. New York City – A transit detective is killed when he stops two BLA members from entering
without paying. Before he died he shot both of them; one is captured, and the other escapes.

June 7. Brooklyn, NY – A BLA member is captured by New York City police and FBI.

June 8. Brooklyn, NY – Two other BLA members are captured.

July 18. Bronx, NY – BLA members rob a bank.

September 2. New Orleans, La. – Members of New York City police department, New Orleans police
department and FBI capture a BLA member.

September 27. New York City – BLA member is charged with the murder of Patrolman Foster and
Laurie; he escapes from King’s County Hospital, but is captured on October 3.

November 7. New York City – BLA member is arrested as he attempts to turn himself in for being
absent leave from the Army.

November 14. Bronx, NY – Members of the Black Liberation Army are slain after three years of
pursuit by police; this member is the seventh BLA member to die in police shoot out, 18 others have
been arrested.

December 27. New York City – Three BLA sympathizers are caught attempting to free BLA
members from the Tombs when police see one of them emerging from a sewer manhole two blocks
away, outside the corrections department design and engineering unit that house blueprints.


April 17. New York City – The Tombs, four BLA sympathizers, armed with two hand-guns and
acetylene torch attempt to free three BLA members; they flee when the torch runs out of fuel.

May 3. New York City – After failing to release prisoners at the Tombs, BLA members flee to New
Haven, Connecticut where they rob a bank and shoot a policeman. Three are captured, others escape.

June 2. New York City – BLA members attempt to shoot two policemen on the Delaware Bridge, and
are arrested; they have a large supply of guns.

August 5. Brooklyn, NY – A female is arrested after attempting to smuggle hacksaw blades to BLA

August 15. Brooklyn, NY – One BLA member escapes, one is shot, and a third gives up after an
escape attempt. The escapee is captured a few blocks away.

October 20. Connecticut State Prison – A white female is arrested trying to smuggle a gun to BLA


February 17. Rikers Island, NY – BLA members subdued by guards after getting the keys (with a
wooden knife as a weapon) from a guard; police receive a telephone call soon after the incident saying
that five men armed with shotguns, one in wet suit, are setting off in three rafts; one raft is found with a
map, a set of oars, swim fins, (3) three .38 caliber bullets, and 9 mm bullets.

May 25. Brooklyn, NY – A Black Liberation Army member falls to his death in an escape attempt; a
second member is recaptured near the prison; two other BLA members return to their cells after the
one fell.


January 19. Trenton, NJ – At Trenton State Prison, there is an 11- hour shooting rampage; an inmate
was killed in the opening exchange of gunfire, was one inmate who began the incident by shooting a
guard in an escape attempt; another inmate who instigated the incident, was convicted of murdering a
State Trooper in a shoot out between BLA members and police on the New Jersey Turnpike; inmates
threw a homemade grenade at police and guards as they rescued a wounded guard. 

The names of Comrades mentioned in these police reports have been omitted, as some are no longer functioning in the same capacity, imprisoned or dead. It is our policy not to reveal the names of Comrades who have acted within our organizational underground formations.

The defensive offensive launched in 1970-71 politico- military initiatives was based upon the degree of repression suffered in the Black community due to COINTELPRO police attacks. The politico military policy at that time was to establish a defensive (self defense) front that would offensively protect the interest of the above-ground political apparatus aspiration to develop a mass movement towards national liberation. Again, it must be stated that in the early seventies, the Black underground was the armed wing of the above-ground BPP, which because of the split and factionalism prevented adequate logistics, and communications between cadre(s) and focus in the Black underground in various parts of the country. It was this situation which caused the greatest problem to the advent of the Black Liberation Army, upon which the commencement of armed struggle could be said to be premature. Premature in the sense that subjectively, our capacity to wage a sustained protracted national liberation war was not possible. This was due to the split in the above-ground political apparatus, the Black underground still depending on the above-ground for logistics and communications; the Black underground comprising of militants who had not grown to political maturity, and without a politico military structure and strategy to merge the Black underground into a national formation employing both stable and mobile urban and rural guerilla warfare, in conjunction with the rising militancy of the oppressed masses. In the same regards, the objective reality for armed struggle was present, that being a historical transition evolving from the civil rights movement, the riotous 1960s, the creation of the BPP chapters in Black communities across the country of which fought bravely against police attacks, the mass mobilization in support of the Vietnamese national liberation war, etc. Hence, the commencement of armed struggle by our forces was according to the development of history.

By late 1971, it was ordered for the black underground to enter a strategic retreat, to reorganize itself and build a national structure, but the call for the strategic retreat for many cadres was too late. Many of the most mature militants were already deeply underground, separated from those functioning with the logistics provided by BPP chapters who in the split served to support armed struggle. The repression of the State continued to mount, especially now that the Black underground was hampered by internal strife with the loss of the above-ground political support apparatus (with virtually no support coming from existing Black community groups and organizations). It should be stated, a major contradiction was developing between the Black underground and those Euro-American forces who were employing armed tactics in support of Vietnamese liberation struggle. By 1973-75, this contradiction became full blown, whereby, specific Euro-American revolutionary armed forces refused to give meaningful material and political support to the Black Liberation Movement, more specifically, to the Black Liberation Army. Thereby, in 1974, the Black Liberation Army was without an above-ground political support apparatus; logistically and structurally scattered across the country without the means to unite its combat units; abandoned by Euro-American revolutionary armed forces; and being relentlessly pursued by the State reactionary forces – COINTELPRO (FBI, CIA and local police department). As a result, it was only a matter of time before the Black Liberation Army would be virtually decimated as a fighting clandestine organization

By 1974-75, the fighting capacity of the Black Liberation Army had been destroyed, but the BLA as a politico military organization had not been destroyed. Since those imprisoned continued escape attempts and fought political trials, which forged ideological and political theory concerning the building of the Black Liberation Movement and revolutionary armed struggle. The trials of Black Liberation Army members sought to place the State on trial, to condemn the oppressive conditions from which Black people had to eke out an existence in racist America. These trials went on for several years upon which the Courts and police used to embellish their position as being guardians of society. The State media publications projected the Black Liberation Army trials as justice being served to protect Black people from terrorism; to prevent these terrorists from starting racial strife between Black and white people; to protect the interest and lives of police who are responsible for the welfare of the oppressed communities, etc. The captured and confined BLA members were deemed a terrorist, a criminal, a racist, but never a revolutionary, never a humanitarian, never a political activist. But the undaunted revolutionary fervor of captured BLA members continued to serve the revolution even while imprisoned. By placing the State on trial the BLA was more able to expose the contradictions between the philosophy of the State to protect the rights of all people, and the actions of the State which are to only protect the rights of the capitalist class bourgeoisie. The BLA trials sought to undermine the State attempts to play-off the BLA as an insignificant group of crazies, and therefore the trials of BLA members became forums to politicize the masses of what the struggle and revolution is all about. The trials served to organize people to support those being persecuted and prosecuted by the State, as a means from which the oppressed masses would be able to protect themselves from future persecution. In this manner, the trials of the Black Liberation Army voiced the discontent, dissatisfaction, and disenfranchisement of Black people in racist America. By late 1975, the Black Liberation Army established a Coordinating Committee, which essentially comprised of imprisoned members and outside supporters gained during the years of political prosecution in the Courts. The first task of the Coordinating Committee was to distribute an ideological and political document depicting the theoretical foundations of the political determination of the Black Liberation Army. This document was entitled, “A MESSAGE TO THE BLACK MOVEMENT – A Political Statement from the Black Underground.” The Message to the Black Movement, put forth several political premises from which the BLA should be noted as a revolutionary political military organization fighting for national liberation of Afrikan people in the United States.

In late 1975 and 1976, the Coordinating Committee distributed the first BLA newsletter, an organizational publication for the purpose of forging ideological and political clarity and unity between BLA members captured and confined in various parts of the country. The BLA newsletter begun to serve as a means from which BLA members would voice their political understanding of the national liberation struggle, and in this way, for the entire organized body to share in ideas and strengthen our collective political determination as a fighting force. Over the years, the newsletter have served to help develop cadres inside and outside of prisons, and broaden the capacity from which the BLA could continue to serve the national liberation struggle. Also, in 1976, members of the Black Liberation Army launched a national campaign to petition the United Nations concerning the plight of political prisoners of war, and conditions of the U.S. penal system, in behalf of the prison movement. The U.N. Prisoners Petition Campaign, initiated and directed by members of the BLA, virtually revitalized the prison movement across the country, and forged impetus to the present Human Rights campaign to the United Nations. It was the U.N. Prisoners Petition Campaign that first called for an international investigation into the conditions of U.S. prisons, and called for the release of political prisoners of war to a on imperialist country that would accept them. (Consequently, this year another national campaign have been launched entitled – “National POW Amnesty Campaign”). Lastly, in 1976-77, the coordinating Committee distributed what had been termed a Study Guide to captured members of the BLA as a means to consolidate the ideological perspectives from which the BLA would provide political leadership to the national liberation struggle.

Since 1974, to the present, the BLA have continuously provided ideological and political perspectives within the Black Liberation Movement, and in this way gave leadership to the movement. Although, the Black Liberation Army is still lacking in principle support by progressive forces throughout the country. The primary aspect of lack of support is the fact the BLA still calls for the need of armed struggle, and the building of a revolutionary armed front. The Black Liberation Army is a politico military organization, which in the last five years have served to develop the political mass movement to merge with the political determination of the Black underground. The merger is based upon the development of a national politico-military strategy in unity with the aspirations and strategic initiatives of the various progressive political organizations throughout the country. Consistently, the Black Liberation Army has called for the development of the Black Liberation Front or Black United Front, a united front of Black revolutionary nationalists, establishing the political determination of the class and national liberation struggle towards independence, and for the freeing of the land. At this stage in struggle, there are several areas of progress being formulated that may serve to strengthen, consolidate, and mobilize the national liberation struggle under the aspirations of the oppressed Black masses. The building of the Afrikan National Prisoners Organization is a positive step on which various progressive Black forces can develop principled working relationships, alliances, and coalitions, and further build towards the Black Liberation Front. In the same regards, the development of the National Black Human Rights Coalition, provides a means from which a greater number of Black organizations and groups representing oppressed Black masses can be educated, organized, and mobilize to confront racist, capitalist imperialism, in conjunction to the heightened struggles in Namibia and Azania, and human rights violations here in North America. But it is imperative that these new formations develop a struggle line that supports the need for armed struggle to be waged in the United States, and therefore support of the oldest revolutionary armed force in North America – The Black Liberation Army.

It is practically 1980, and the Black Liberation Army (the Black underground) have been in existence for over ten years. The last ten years have been hard years of struggle, we have lost many Comrades, we have made many mistakes, but we have never lied nor compromised our principles in struggle. The growth and development of the BLA depends on the growth and development of the entire class and national liberation struggle. The means from which the BLA can build revolutionary armed struggle is based upon the willingness of the oppressed masses to support the BLA, to call for the BLA to act, to build areas of support in the work place, in the home, and the social places of entertainment, but most of all amongst the political organizations and groups that the oppressed masses are affiliated with. It is essential and necessary that the general mass and popular movement understand the need for revolutionary armed struggle/forces to exist, and that the existence of the Black Liberation Army is the criteria from which the class and national liberation struggle will be preserved, as the socio-economic conditions of U.S. monopoly capitalism worsens, and as racist repression intensifies. As mentioned earlier, another national political campaign has been launched, this new campaign calls for the release and/or exchange of captured members of the Black underground and other revolutionary forces across the country. But it must be understood the principal objective of this campaign is to also build support of revolutionary armed struggle, employing international law and politics (specifically, Protocols of the Geneva Accords) concerning the existence of political prisoners of war in the United States. Thereby, supporting the release of political prisoners of war brings understanding to how these revolutionaries came to be imprisoned, and the need for them to be released, as well as, the need for revolutionary armed struggle. This is the challenge in uniting the mass and popular movement under the auspices of building the Black Liberation Front, can only be objectively realized by supporting the re-emergence of the Black underground, the Black Liberation Army.




Farrakhan: ‘God is looking for soldiers ready for War with Satan’

ST. LOUIS, Mo. ( –  The efforts of the Nation of Islam members of Muhammad Mosque No. 28 in St. Louis were rewarded with a special visit from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on May 23 as they celebrated their move into a new building equipped to aid them in their efforts to better serve the community.

Minister Farrakhan called their acquisition of a new building “a job well done,” however, this was not a traditional dedication ceremony that many have come to expect when a building is opened. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said he came to give members of Muhammad Mosque No. 28 an assignment, as well as those spiritual and political leaders who came to hear his message.


The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

“Those of you who like buildings, you are in the wrong place today, because this is not the most beautiful building in St. Louis. If you are about nice building then don’t come here,” said Min. Farrakhan. “I came to give you an assignment from this house that will show how this house is dedicated, what this house is dedicated to and for, and if the people in the house are not dedicated to that which the house is dedicated, you need to find you another place to go.”

Many religious buildings have become places where people come to be recharged, almost like a place to boost their spiritual immune systems, said the Minister. He did not come to dedicate a building like that, he came to talk to people interested in dedicating their lives to saving their people and who were not afraid to talk to the Black youth turned into warriors by time and circumstances.

“It is set down in the midst of our people who are suffering out there, who are dying out there, who are killing each other out there, who are dropping out of school out there, who have no jobs out there, this mosque is not set down here to be dedicated to just sitting down glorying in a building! The God that I serve, and that I am inviting you to serve is looking for soldiers who want to go to war with Satan!” said Min. Farrakhan. “This kind of house is dedicated to destroy Satan’s world and establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth!”

The mosque was packed with a standing room crowd. Two other overflow rooms on the main level were completely filled along with an overflow room downstairs in the basement of the building that was jam-packed. Each overflow room had a large flat panel screen and speaker setup broadcasting the Minister’s words live. After the inside was filled up, others sat outside under tents in the 92-degree heat, just to hear Minister Farrakhan’s words of guidance.

“Church and religions are getting weaker in their ability to transform human life,” said Minister Farrakhan adding that religious people in many cases become very judgmental, self- righteous and far removed from what is actually happening in the community.

If those who lead the church or the mosque or the synagogue are not involved in creating soldiers who are ready to fight a war against Satan, they will continue to remain “powerless in a world of evil.”

“When God comes, it is a time for war,” said Minister Farrakhan. “God does not come to play with Satan, he comes to make war with Satan.”

Minister Farrakhan said some pastors are afraid to teach a true gospel because the free-for-all atmosphere in the church is how they receive money. They are afraid to teach the true law of God, said the Minister.

“The law does not make you right. The law puts fear in you of doing wrong and makes you appear as if you are doing right,” said Minister Farrakhan. “Jesus is raising people into a demonstration of love that makes you live the law with ease.”

If you love your brother and sister, you will not do that which would hurt them, or destroy the brotherhood or sisterhood, the Minister said.

After ending his remarks, Minister Farrakhan received proclamations from St. Louis Aldermen Greg Carter and Sam Moore. He also received a picture from the Empowerment Network, a group of Black men who have survived prostate cancer. Then, Min. Farrakhan walked to each overflow room to greet those who viewed his message from the remote locations. A joyful crowd greeted him outside the mosque cheering as he delivered words of thanks and encouragement from the steps of the mosque.

A weekend of activities

The special weekend began on May 21, as Ishmael Muhammad, the National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, delivered the keynote address at an evening banquet at the New Northside Conference Center.

Ishmael Muhammad recalled the many times over the years coming to St. Louis to meet Min. Farrakhan, describing it as “a launching pad for Minister Farrakhan’s rebuilding of the Nation of Islam.” The banquet was in honor of those who sacrificed over the decades that the Nation of Islam has been active in St. Louis. He congratulated student minister Donald Muhammad and the laborers of the mosque and exhorted those in attendance to become more active in the work.

“There cannot be a new beginning until we are willing to take on a new spirit,” said Ishmael Muhammad. “It’s not the place that matters, it is the quality of the people who are in that house that are going to make the difference.”

“This is a great occasion from Muhammad Mosque No. 28 and for St. Louis, now the mosque must do its work,” said Akbar Muhammad, international representative of the Nation of Islam. “This is like a family reunion,” he added as he looked over all of the familiar faces of those who have helped spread Islam over the last nearly three decades.

Akbar Muhammad worked tirelessly while based in St. Louis, where he lived and made great progress not only for the Nation of Islam locally, but many national initiatives were developed in St. Louis. The Nation of Islam’s presence here began in 1977 in Akbar Muhammad’s basement in Brentwood, according to Brother Ralph Muhammad, of Muhammad Mosque No. 28B in East St. Louis.

Minister Farrakhan dedicated a mosque on May 31, 1981 in East St. Louis, and now, nearly 30 years later, he was back to celebrate the new property with the members of the Nation of Islam.

On May 22, members of the community got the first look inside the newly renovated Muhammad Mosque No. 28 on West Florissant Avenue. The building is located on the main thoroughfare and runs through a community called “Murderville.” Violent wars between young Bloods and Crips factions have caused numerous sadness and loss of life in the community. It is for that reason, many of those who came to the property for the open house said they were looking forward to seeing the members of the F.O.I. active in the community.

“It’s a very historical and significant day on a number of levels,” Zaki Baruti, president/general of the Universal African Peoples Organization (UAPO). “It signifies a spiritual rebirth here in this particular neighborhood which has been known as a neighborhood with a lot of violence and death taking place over the past few years. Hopefully it offers a beacon of hope and enlightenment for the masses of our young people here in the community,” said Mr. Baruti.

Mr. Baruti said he is sometimes critical of those who erect religious buildings without programmatic thrusts, and sees the establishment of Muhammad Mosque No. 28 as a sign that this is changing.

“Too many times the people who worship in the houses do not come out into the community to do hands-on work with our young people or hands-on work just with the various problems impacting our people, like a ‘pie in the sky’ kind of concept without any reality of dealing with the high incarceration rates of our people, the murder rate of our people, the unemployment of our people, the police assault on our people, all of the myriad of problems facing our people,” said Mr. Baruti. “It is as if the people of many religious affiliations turn a deaf ear to it and just come out on that particular day of worship to celebrate God, but in my humble opinion, they don’t celebrate God on a daily basis because if they did it on a daily basis, they would be out in the community making some significant changes,” he told The Final Call.

Jawed H. Siddiqui, M.D., a St. Louis area cardiologist who enjoys a long relationship with the Nation of Islam here said he was happy and excited about the opportunity for the Muslims in the Nation of Islam to have a center for all of their activities, spiritual, social, educational and economic.

“It is not just a place of worship, it is a center, all of the activities originate right here. We talk about social issues, we talk about problems, and we talk about sick and poor so we can help them,” said Dr. Siddiqui adding that he was an admirer of Minister Farrakhan and listens to his lectures often while driving.

“Farrakhan is one who is giving us courage. The Muslims are in trouble most other places in the world,” Dr. Siddiqui continued. “He is doing a fantastic and wonderful job.”

Chawn Kweli, co-editor of the New Black Panther Party’s newspaper was there with Amirah Sankofa, leader of the St. Louis Chapter of the NBPP. He said Min. Farrakhan remains relevant when other leaders have become disconnected from the younger generation of leaders and activists.

“I love what Minister Farrakhan had to say! On point! The general gave the instructions,” Mr. Kweli told The Final Call. “There is a disconnect between the youth and the elders, a disconnect between religious groups and organizations and the Minister knows how to speak the language and reach across the barriers. He is reaching those who need to be reached regardless to where they come from,” he added.







1. What is the purpose of the New Black Panthers? What makes the New Black Panther Party relevant in 2011?

Ans: The Purpose of the New Black Panther Party is to be servants of the Black Community. The New Black Panther Party being here since 1989 takes a vanguard position in the liberation struggle of our people. Our job is to be at the forefront in producing the basic needs of our people. We stand on the shoulders of great men and women under the bloody stained banner of the Panther. We have a great task, also a rewarding one. We believe that the New Black Panther Party is more “relevant today than when the Panther first appeared on the scene in Lowndes County, Alabama then later appearing in Oakland, California in 1966. The Party takes this stance because the conditions of black people have gotten worse since the 50’s and 60’s.  We have made great strides and advances as a people, under every Panther regimen, as good as they were and as much as we all have benefited from their sacrifice, the programs were most active in what we call the B.C. era (Before Crack). The New Black Panther Party faces completely different dynamics than most of the organizations of the Past. We have to also take into account that the Counter intelligence Program of the United States Government under J. Edgar Hoover, destroyed the Black Panther Party of the 1960’s and with that the 10- point Platform raised by Brother Bobby Seale and Comrade Huey P. Newton. The work of the Panther is an unfinished work and we believe we are picking up the labor and work of the Black Panther Party. 



2. How does the New Black Panthers differ from the original Black Panthers for Self-Defense?

Ans: I would not say by much. The Black Panther Party of the 60’s first organized stood on a Black Nationalist Platform and program. Comrade Huey Newton believed that the B.P.P. were the ideological children of Minister Malcolm X. The B.P.P. also pulled heavily on Chairman Mao, Karl Marx, and Lenin as a revolutionary base. Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Fidel Castro and other political and Revolutionary sources also influenced the B.P.P. The Black Power General, Dr. Khallid Muhammad as a student of Marcus Garvey, Hon. Elijah Muhammad, B.P.P. of the 60’s, Dr. Ben, Dr. Clark and of course Min. Louis Farrakhan did not want the New Black Panther Party base to exist on what he called “branch knowledge”.  He wanted our base to be a base of “root knowledge”. Dr. Khallid Muhammad instead of pulling so heavy on Mao pulled on Garvey [for example]. He taught us that we are the fathers and mothers of the arts and sciences. Marx and Lenin studied black generals like Hannibal the great. Hippocrates studied from the works of Imhotep. The New Black Panther Party is a completely a Black Nationalist movement. We today are building on the Black Nationalist base left by Marcus Garvey, Hon. Elijah Muhammad, Minister Malcolm X and the rest of our black greats. The B.P.P. in needing financial help and not wanting to be labeled separatist  began to rely on what was called “ radical whites” and at the advice of some members of the National Central Committee of the B.P.P. the organization began to have joint rallies and fundraising events with white radical organizations. The New Black Panther Party for Self Defense does not have any cream in our coffee. We are strictly a Pro-Black organization.  
3. What is your response to those who call the New Black Panther Party a racist and anti-Semitic organization?

Ans: My Response is that we are not and cannot ever be “anti-Semitic”. Black people in America are the descendants of Semitic people. We thorough our African bloodline and history cannot be what we are by nature. We are the original Hebrews.  Genesis 15:13-14 from the King James Version of the Bible says “And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.  There is not any documented history where Jews were enslaved for four centuries. Those who were enslaved for four hundred years are blacks who were taken from Africa.  History teaches that the blacks who are now inhabitants of North America are actually the descendants of Abraham. According to the scripture, God will deliver the Blackman and woman in America as he promised Abraham. The State of Israel was set up by the US, Britain and the United Nations in 1948. This “newly formed” state cannot be what was being referenced in biblical times. The Honorable Dr. Khallid Muhammad taught us to call them “so-called Jews” because the European Jew is a late convert to the practice.  We correctly call those who slander against us anti-Khemetic as they refuse to accept the facts of our divine destiny and history.

4. What is the most important lesson you learned under the leadership of Dr. Khallid Muhammad?

Ans: There are really too many lessons too pull from what I have learned from my mentor, Dr. Khallid Muhammad. He mentored me for over a decade, and there are lifelong jewels that he taught me that come up depending on the circumstances. Dr. Khallid Muhammad was a principled man. He showed me through his example how to get objectives accomplished thorough the severest of times. He taught me the importance of dedication to the liberation struggle of our people. He taught me the importance of having a no compromise attitude. I also learned that you pay a great price when you become successful. Great men and women have to deal with so much, and oft-times get in return so little. Brother there were too many lessons for me to raise only one as most important. If I had to sum it all up and pick just one, I would say it as he taught it “hold the line.” Don’t give the Devil any room to advance.
5. Who do you consider the most powerful Black leader in the world? Why?

 Ans: I consider the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to be the most powerful leader in the world. I say this because I have not seen a leader command the respect and discipline that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad did and still does. He advanced to have an organization worth over 30 million dollars in the 1960’s.  Black men and women cleaned up and changed into a decent way of living all over the world because of his teachings. His work has yet to be matched. My Mentor and teacher Dr. Khallid Muhammad is one of the strongest leaders God has ever given us.
6. What individuals or organizations do you want to work with that you haven’t worked with yet?

Ans: I have worked with so many. I think I want to work with more Black student unions and college students. I would like expand the base of Black Nationalism in America and across the globe; I look too work with more leaders in the motherland and enter into international trade.
7. What are the top issues that the New Black Panther Party is addressing in the 2011?

Ans: We are focused on addressing the basic needs of our people. We suffer from a lack of knowledge of self and kind. We are the victims of every injustice.  Black people have inherited the poverty of slavery and suffer from lack of jobs, improper healthcare and indecent housing. Our 10-point program is a TOP focus for us. We are also developing a Black Power movement across the country. In doing this, we are developing local organizing committees designed to go across religious, political and social borders. We are intent on developing a movement that will exist long beyond us and our work today.

8. Why should people join the
New Black Panther Party?

Ans: The issues of the Black community have risen to a state of emergency. The New Black Panther Party is one of the last pro Black organizations on the ground. We believe in grassroots organizing or working from the ground up. If you’re looking for action, we are the action-oriented organization. I would say we are the last completely black, pan-african, Black power advocates still standing. Many, who had such a strong pro-black line, have now softened up their stance. Others are becoming integrationist and all inclusive. We know that Black people from all occupations have a place under the banner of the 10-point program of the New Black Panther Party. The New Black Panther Party is the only organization that will still fight for what is ours. If you appreciate the works of Minister Huey Newton, Dr. Khallid Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan, Che Guevara, Elaine Brown, Angela Davis, Assata Shakur, Afeni Shakur, Erika Huggins or any other freedom fighter, this is the place for you.
9. What have been some of the challenges facing the New Black Panthers as it grows as an organization? How have those challenges been addressed?

Ans: As our organization grows, we face the normal rigors of expansion. Our national officials and membership is pressed to the max with responsibility. We have so many things to accomplish and so many organizational goals to fulfill. It’s stressful and rewarding at the same time. The demand for applications and membership has increased ten-fold and the accommodations of our chapters are ever changing as we are now in over 60 cities in America. We have a base in southern Africa, France and England. We are gaining more chapters by the day. It’s not an easy job managing it all, I am thankful to Almighty God for a wonderful National Central Committee and the many laborers and helpers that I have been blessed with. We are ever growing and learning how to be better servants of our people.  We as a Party are blessed to have the lessons of history/herstory and the foundation laid by Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad. We were taught to meet and overcome all of our obstacles in our path. No matter what the challenge is, we face it head on and deal with in a scientific, mathematical, calculated way.  This we have found makes us successful.

10. What has been the New Black Panther’s most successful campaign or project?

 Ans: That is a great question to answer. We have had so many projects that were successful on different levels. I think the New Black Panther Party defense of Brother James Byrd was very successful. We stood up for the Black community at a time when white power advocates were making a mockery of the dragging death of our brother.  We went in prepared to defend our community by any means necessary. Locked and loaded (with our God and our Gun) we would not allow the black community to be mocked by a planned march by the Klu Klux Klan.  Another major event was the Black Power Convention. We brought together different religious leaders, political groups, actors, rappers and the average person together for Black empowerment. We convened in May 2010 and we look forward to having our next one in New York City in the near future.
11. How can someone find out more information about the New Black Panthers?

Ans: Go to our Website That is the best and official way to get in contact with us. You can also e-mail us directly at Those two ways are the best and easiest ways to find out all about us.
12. The mission of the Black History 101 Mobile Museum is to preserve material artifacts that tell the story of the Black experience. What material artifact(s) in your possession do you think is most valuable and will help tell the story of the New Black Panthers?

Ans: I believe that our history/herstory is written everyday in the hearts and minds of our people. I think the lives of those whom we have both helped and touched will be the best reminder and preserver of who we are and what we stand for. I think our newspaper the New Black Panther will also be a bearer of witness to our contribution in the liberation struggle of Black people in the hells of North America and all over the world. Outside of those two things, I can only see our works as being the greatest example of our mission and message. I thank you for these questions and look forward to our divine destiny as a free and independent people.  Remember this: A Panther is born every 5 seconds in the ghetto. I got nothing but love and respect for you and the Black History 101 Mobile Museum.


                                                   Black Power and All Power to the People!


                                                         Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz, esq.

                              National Representative of the Hon. Dr Khallid Abdul Muhammad

                                              National Chairman, New Black Panther Party





The Tea Party movement emerged last year through protest on national and local levels of politics. The name “Tea Party” is derives from the Boston Tea Party riots of 1773. An uprising by early American colonists against taxation imposed on them by the British government and against the colonists’ blockade of representation in the British Parliament. The ‘tea’ in Tea Party is an abbreviation meaning, “Taxed Enough Already”. The dominant theme seen at many of the earliest protests was pork rather than tea. Using a term made by Rush Limbaugh “Porkulus” in reference to a 2009 stimulus bill. Mary Rakovich is known as the organizer of a February 10, 2009 protest in Fort Myers, Florida as the first in a series of protest of President Obama’s present administration. It was the first protest of what would later become the Tea Party movement. Keli Carender has also been credited with organizing some of the earliest Tea Party styled protest minus the yet to be formed name of the organization. Organizing protest under the heading of Porkulus in Seattle, Washington. On February 19, 2009, in a broadcast CNBC Business News editor Rick Santelli criticized the governmental refinance plan for mortgages, saying those plans were, “promoting bad behavior” Santelli’s suggestion was to hold a tea party for traders to gather and dump in the Chicago river on July 1,2009.

In response to Santelli, websites such as and were purchased to coordinate schedules for Tea Parties July 4 protest.

This is the beginnings of the use of the word “Tea Party in the modern sense. The Tea Party although publicly claiming to be peace loving “good hearted” Americans have shown themselves to be a movement quite to the contrary. White supremacists reportedly are planning to attend Tea Parties or already have participated and are looking for opportunities to recruit into white supremacist organizations. There is little to no media coverage on this issue. The most notable incident came from racial epithets hurled at several black congressional representatives. To some, these anti tax protests have become hate mongering white pride demonstrations whose aim is to display direct hatred toward President Obama because he is a black man. Many signs at the Tea Party protest carry racial and slanderous undertones. The signs at recent Tea Party Rallies are more fitting for a “White Power” rally than people protesting presidential policies. Unfortunately, this racist undercurrent produced many of the civil rights marches of the 1960’s. Sadly, the racism in America has been reinforced by the fact that a black man was elected president of the United States of America. The Tea Party seems a lot less angry about taxes, they are angrier that President Obama is a man of color. Protesters shouted ‘nigger’ at Congressman John Lewis. Congressman Lewis a civil rights hero who was nearly beaten within an inch of his life during a march in Alabama during the 1960s. The racist protesters shouted racial slurs at several members of the Congressional Black Caucus legislators said. Reportedly, at least one demonstrator was arrested for their behavior. The Tea Party while claiming to appeal to all lifestyles and different demographics predominately caters to white Americans, boasting of a sprinkle of African Americans, Hispanics or any other non-white member in the movement. Rand Paul of Kentucky refused to take a stance on whether or not he would have voted for the Civil Rights Act. Paul believes the federal government has no business fighting against discriminatory practices in private establishments. National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party, Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz accesses the Tea Party stating, “The Tea Party is Racist”. Attorney Shabazz called for war against the Tea Party urging, “The Tea Party is honey combed with racism.” Remove the racism and Attorney Shabazz and the New Black Panther Party will not “pull the cover off of you”.




Wednesday January 13, 2010 marked a significant date for Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz and the New Black Panther Party. The House Judiciary Committee rejected a resolution of inquiry that requested the Justice Department to tell Congress why it dismissed a civil complaint against members of the New Black Panther Party. The complaint alleged Minister King Samir Shabazz, and Jerry Jackson of the Philadelphia chapter, prohibited voters at a polling station from exercising their right to vote. Rep. Frank R. Wolf, a Virginia Republican and senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, has pursued the case.  Mr. Wolf along with Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, a ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, pressed the Department of Justice and members of congress to re-file charges. Notwithstanding the fact, Attorney General Eric Holder and career lawyers already reviewed the case. After careful investigation, Justice Department spokesperson Tracy Schmaler said, “Facts in the case did not back up the charges and that career officials at Justice, not political appointees, decided to drop the charges.” New Black Panther Party National Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz faced charges of directing and endorsing their behavior. This claim was unsubstantiated and unfounded.  Atty. Shabazz was nowhere in the area, nor did he ever have communications of any type directing or otherwise authorizing King Samir Shabazz, or Jerry Jackson nor anyone under his charge to intimidate, interfere or prohibit the voting process.

Atty. Shabazz states, “President Obama doesn’t owe the New Black Panther Party any favors” This statement is true in many ways, Atty. Shabazz never took an official party position for or against President Obama. Atty. Shabazz never considered taking an official stance for Senator John McCain. Dr. Shabazz elected instead to point out the good momentum that the election of Barack Obama would produce in the minds and hearts of disenfranchised black people in America and abroad. The Obama Administration did not owe us any favors, and followed the standard policy in a voter intimidation case. Led by Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr. of Michigan, 15 Democrats sent the resolution headlong to the House floor with the recommendation voting it unfavorably off the committee floor. This is an isolated event. In the Washington Times, Mr. Wolf said, “after ignoring seven letters over seven months seeking information on the case and failing to comply with subpoenas from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, he decided to seek the resolution”

The Fact is Rep.Wolf is out for blood. Mr. Wolf said, “He took oversight of the department very seriously and was a strong supporter of voting rights protections.” I ask Mr. Wolf the Question, Where is the protection for Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz, King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson? Who will protect them from the bloodthirsty campaign of terror against the New Black Panther Party? Your persistence to lie and manipulate the facts has blown up in your face. Now Mr. Wolf, its best you run along with the rest of the wolves and find you something more easily to hunt. You bastards will get no win against the bold leadership of Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz and the New Black Panther Party.   




A Revolutionary Tribute to the Honorable Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad

I am truly humbled and honored to have the opportunity to write this article about the Honorable Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad. Not only to be able to write this article about the commemoration and for the Black Power General, but I am blessed to have had the opportunity have known him  and  learn from his example. You can research, hear speeches, see something on television, but there is nothing like actually seeing history in person. I believe Dr. Khallid Muhammad was  placed on this earth to be of a great service to and for his/our people. The commemoration had many  from the New Black Panther Party  for Self Defense and Africans from all walks of life packed in one church.  The Brooklyn Christian Center under the leadership of Pastor Dennis Dillon was electric.  The work  Dr. Khallid Muhammad did spoke for itself.     I brought my daughter with me,to come with me so she could experience this for herself. The event also was the official startup day for the Canarsie (Brooklyn) chapter three.

            You could visualize our ancestors being brought over here in the Atlantic Slave Trade and the Middle Passage as the spiritual hymns were sung. I could visualize what it was like on the sweltering, strange ships. You can visualize the whippings, the lynchings, the rapes, the auctions of our African families; you could visualize the crimes against Black People.

            You could visualize the dogs being sicked on our ancestors. You could visualize the terror, you could visualize the police brutality, you could visualize the crack addicted babies, the long welfare lines and all the things which hinder our people. All of this visualized through these spiritual songs dedicated to the Black Power General. I began to understand the reason why the Honorable Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad had such a strong stance. This was his passion, his ferverancy, his God given call of why he diligently recruited and organized the people.

            Why he so ferverently knocked the head of the goddamn crakkka off its shoulder. We were whipped and tortured, he was sent here to whip the Devil in return.  He defended us every time he spoke truth.  This commemoration was just to say how much we love and we miss you.

            You saw the Honorable Dr. Khalid Muhammad’s spirit in the place when our beautiful brothers held post and our queens weren’t slacking either … Sis Hafar, suited & booted and not playing. These brothers and sisters weren’t about to flinch and you know what’s the irony in this … there were no crakkkas here neither.

             All these Africans in one place not cursing, fighting or hating on one another and you know why because this is the exact spirit this man had, you know you had to be a bad mutha … to be able to bring this type of unity. We had some good food as well. We had some sorrel, some hot tea, some soup, black love and righteous black food ingredients for black liberation and success. Then our baby, we’ll at least I call him that Hannibal Rushadeen was on post, but what’s so special about this young brother is that he knew the Honorable Dr. Khalid Muhammad as a baby and stood up so strong and spoke so powerfully I’m pretty sure tha t the Honorable Dr, Khalid Muhammad would have been very proud of him. Philadelphia’s New Black Panther Party for Self Defense chairman King Samir was also very black and strong and the very words he spoke had even some Africans squirming in their seats as he talked about what revolution meant to him and what revolution would take for him. Whoo! You know it was hot that night!

            Zayid Muhammad this was the very first time I got a chance to hear this brother speak. And yes he was very powerful, as he talked about the conditions of our people today, his words brought tears to my eyes, but not only did his speech bring tears to my eyes, but not only did it bring tears to my eyes, but it motivated me to know we are on the right track and to know that we as a people must Do For Self. Brother Divine Allah also spoke a powerful speech and I know this brother had much to say about the Honorable Dr. Khalid Muhammad as he was a chairman of the Trenton New Jersey Chapter during the times the Honorable Dr, Khalid Muhammad was alive.

            Malik Zulu Shabazz our national chairman, the atmosphere of the room changed. The room took a still silence, rightfully so as this is the man walking in the Black Power General’s footsteps. Yes sir, our National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party of Self Defense. That affect on the room was hilarious. Not one closed eye.

            With all that power through, our queens were in the house doing what we do as well. Only thing as there are so many powerful brothers, queens we also need to step up to the frontline it should have been at least one New Black Panther Party queen that was verbalizing just like our brothers. We must all get in where we fit in. We must do just like the Honorable Dr. Khalid Muhammad “find our place and get in it “.

            Brother Oba and Sister Yaa we must also give honor elders that have been in this struggle for a long time. This commentary was not sloppy by any means. This event reflected the spirit of excellence of our Black Power General and we must carry on with that spirit of excellence. Let’s not be slothful. Let’s continue on with this great and mighty work with the spirit of excellence. These commemorations we must pick up the blood stained banner rbg (red, black and green banner) and truly honor the Honorable Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad by doing the work he left for us to do. He done got it started and it’s up to this generation to finish it. BLACK POWER!!!